Archie’s story
How Caption.Ed supports auditory processing
Archie Mitchell
London School of Economics

Archie is in the second year of his Environment and Development (BSc) course at the London School of Economics (LSE). He is also the Neurodivergent Student Officer at the Students’ Union.
Archie is autistic and throughout his education, he experienced difficulties with auditory processing. After starting his first year at university, he often found that he was leaving lectures without a sufficient understanding of what had been discussed, which consequently affected his academic performance. It was at this point he realised that he needed captioning software to help with his auditory processing.
“Caption.Ed is often a lot quicker than other captioning software that I have trialled – captions come up on my laptop screen almost immediately after they are spoken in the room. Having access to captions alongside being able to hear what is being discussed allows me to achieve the best level of comprehension.”
Using Caption.Ed to Support Auditory Processing
Archie first learned about Caption.Ed when he was looking into options for captioning his lectures and classes. He wasn’t happy with the quality of software his university was using at the time, so he went to the Disability and Wellbeing service to see if there was any support for reliable and high quality captioning. Archie was introduced to Caption.Ed, and after trailing the programme, his Disability Advisor coordinated the required adjustments to allow Caption.Ed to work on his laptop.
By having a reiteration of what is being said in text format, Archie is better able to comprehend and process the material covered on his course. He’s also found great value in the speed of the captions; having them appear almost instantly allows him to see wordfor-word what’s being said, as soon as it’s being said. He also appreciates the ability to review past sessions and revisit his transcript after it’s been saved in his Caption.Ed library.
In-Person Lectures and Caption.Ed
Caption.Ed provides high quality captions with a 97% accuracy rate and it can even be used to generate captions in an in-person setting. This is exactly how Archie uses the software: his lecturer wears a Bluetooth microphone which syncs audio to Archie’s laptop and allows him to use Caption.Ed to generate captions. This means Archie can sit anywhere in the lecture hall and still benefit from highly accurate captioning.
We’re so pleased Caption.Ed has allowed Archie to make the most of his experience at LSE.
“I have already recommended Caption.Ed to a number of other students at my university who have similar difficulties as me with auditory processing, and I would continue that recommendation to anyone who has difficulties with auditory processing in a formal or professional setting.”
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Join 30,000 people who are already transforming the way they work and study with Caption.Ed.
“ Caption.Ed saved the day because it meant that I no longer had to strain my ears trying to listen to what my lecturers were saying ”
Nicole Cheong | Biochemistry, University of Birmingham
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