
Creating equity at work with Caption.Ed

Daniel Wheeler is the Resourcing Coordinator at Dimensions – a UK non-profit that supports people with learning disabilities, autism, and complex health needs. Daniel was born Deaf and uses a cochlear implant.

Daniel works from home and spends a lot of his time at work on calls with clients and colleagues – sometimes on the phone as much as 15 times a day. But, despite his life-changing implant, Daniel still faces challenges when handling calls. Born and raised in Southampton, Daniel had limited exposure to how other people spoke beyond the Hampshire accent. So when he led on managing phone calls from clients based in South Yorkshire, this lack of exposure became a barrier in his work.

To boost his comprehension and understanding of different regional accents and dialects, Daniel uses Caption.Ed every day. He needs it to ensure he’s able to connect and engage with people from all walks of life.

The live captions help him clarify specific words in real-time and backs up Daniel’s understanding of what he hears. They also let him discern nuances between different accents and become acquainted with how the sounds of different words apply to different nationalities.

Caption.Ed has become Daniel’s essential buddy that he knows will back him up in every call. He loves that Caption.Ed makes him equal to everybody at work. But he also enjoys its simplicity and ease of use. At the click of a button, he can access live captions on desktop and mobile at any time. He can also save recordings and transcripts to look back on later to check through for any missed words or misunderstandings.

Daniel feels confident that Caption.Ed will continue to support him throughout his career. It’s the perfect tool to enhance his comprehension during phone calls. Knowing such a tool is available, he doesn’t expect to have any problems accessing future career opportunities. He knows he’ll always have easy access to accurate captioning software on his phone or desktop but also recordings and transcriptions that reinforce what he hears.

With Caption.Ed at hand, Daniel feels hopeful about achieving all his career goals.

Caption.Ed allows me to relax and get into each meeting a bit more. I can concentrate more on the context of a meeting

Gabrielle Wright | Smart Insights

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